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Interpack 2023 – 5 Top Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Visit

Apr 25, 2023 | News

After a 6 year wait, Interpack is back better than ever! But with so much to see and do, how do you make sure you make the most out of your visit? Here’s our 5 top tips to help.

1. Plan Your Visit

The old saying goes “You wouldn’t plan to fail so don’t fail to plan”. This is key to getting everything you want out of a trade show.  No one wants to walk around aimlessly, especially when this trade show has 15 separate areas for you to get lost in! So, take a look at the interactive hall plan and see which exhibitors you really want to engage with. Make a note of their booth numbers and flag them on your map so you know where you’re going. It’s also a good idea to get in touch with them before you visit and book a specific time to see them so you know someone will be available to speak to you.

2. Bag Yourself Some Free Tickets

Let’s face it, there are numerous things we have to pay for to get to an international expo. So if there are areas we can make savings – great! Most exhibitors will have a select number of tickets they can gift to visitors that want to meet up at Interpack.  If you’re looking to speak to someone in particular, why not ask if they have any?

3. Make Use Of The Interpack Matchmaking Service

As well as planning and preparing for your visit, it’s really important to networking properly to make sure you’ve had the opportunity to speak to the best people that match your needs and requirements. Interpack has recognised this and created a brand new digital networking system. Based on your interests and desires for the show, they’ll generate personalised contacts between visitors and exhibitors, using intelligent algorithms to adapt results to you. Save your legs and don’t wander around aimlessly – use matchmaking!

4. Check Our The Interpack Hot Topics

The Interpack website is a hub of information to help give your visit some structure and really guide how you’ll spend your time.  Whether your visiting for a short time or the full 7 days, there’s so much to do and see that you don’t want to miss out on. Have a look at the Hot Topics to find out what the key show themes and trends will be, as well as the exhibitors linked to these and the different events you can attend.

5. Don’t Wear New Shoes

Now, this is arguably the most important and comes specially form us to you based on personal experience.

We’ve all been there at some point in our lives; you’ve got your best new shoes on, feeling great, looking top-notch, believing you can take on the world.  Only, 30 minutes later you can’t move because of the sheer pain from blisters and all you can think about is the ice bath you want to plunge your feet into.

What we’re saying is – don’t do this!! At Interpack, your smart watch step count is going to put a shift in.  Do the sensible thing are wear your trust, favourite, comfy shoes.  Or, if you really must wear your brand new shoes, break them in around the house for a week first!

We hope you’ve found our tips helpful. Get in touch if you want to know more, or to make the first steps in your Interpack visit plan.

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