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Bespoke Food Process Engineering

Injection Moulded Vs Thermoform Chocolate Moulds – Which Is Best?

Jul 19, 2021 | News

Polycarbonate is a type of plastic, routinely used to make some of the highest quality chocolate moulds available and this can either be injection moulded or Thermoformed. Injection Moulded moulds for chocolate tend to be much longer lasting than the alternative types of products. This includes thermoform moulds, which are often touted as a cheap and practical method of chocolate mould production.


What Are The Benefits Of Injection Moulded Moulds Over Thermoforming Moulds?


It is generally acknowledged that an injection mould will give you a far superior chocolate finish than other types of mould, including thermoform moulds. Injection chocolate mould manufacturers tend to be better placed to make moulds that are extremely durable and can be subjected to high-temperature automated washing procedures. This type of mould can also be used to create finer detailing on the surface of the chocolate, which thermoform moulds can struggle with.

There is an additional risk that comes with thermoform moulds; they have a higher chance of air bubbles being left in the final product. This is partly due to their tendency to absorb the vibrations intended to level the chocolate rather than transferring this energy, thus increasing the chance of pockets of air remaining trapped.

So Why Would I Ever Choose To Use A Thermoforming Mould?


With all that in mind, you might wonder what redeeming benefits thermoforming moulds could possibly offer that would make them a worthwhile investment. Although injection moulded is undoubtedly the best choice for high-quality finished products and all-around durability, thermoforming is not without its benefits.

The most tangible of these benefits comes down to cost. Thermoforming moulds are definitely cheaper, and so can be a suitable budget option for short term production lines, if you aren’t overly concerned about the higher rate of malfunction generally seen in this type of chocolate mould. In fact, for seasonal products that you change regularly, the low cost of changing moulds may make thermoforming moulds a viable option that can save you significant amounts of money rather than committing to injection moulds for a short production run.


Finding The Best Compromise


Although it might seem like a fairly clear cut line between quality vs. cost, there are some interesting solutions available that can arguably combine the best bits of both a injectoin mould and a thermoform mould. Specialist seasonal mould solutions can involve the use of a polycarbonate frame, for durability and stability, but using a thermoformed mould interior. This keeps costs reasonable but still produces good quality end results.

If you’d like to know more, get in touch with the team at Premier Forrester today.

Image source: Vorman Fabriek 

Find Out More

Premier Forrester support UK chocolate and confectionery manufacturers with a range of process solutions drawn from the world’s most innovative and experienced machinery manufacturers. We offer a comprehensive production support service, from advice on the best capital investments to meet your output requirements, to a variety of moulds, cooling equipment, and cleaning solutions. To discuss your project with one of our experienced engineers, please feel free to give us a call today.

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